how to light a tobacco pipe

 1. Fill the bowl of your pipe with as much tobacco as you can pack in.

2. Light the pipe by holding it with one hand and covering the other end with your lips.

3. Hold the lit pipe over a piece of newspaper, and let it burn for a few seconds to get rid of any excess moisture from the tobacco before smoking it out of the pipe.

4. Take a few puffs through the stem (the part that attaches to the bowl and mouthpiece) until you feel comfortable that it's burning evenly and slowly enough for you to enjoy smoking it without getting too hot, then take your first drag off the stem like so:

 1. Put the bowl of your pipe in your mouth, and place your lips over it.

2. Hold the stem of the pipe with one hand, and gently press down on the bowl with another hand while you draw in air. This will help draw in enough smoke to light it.

3. Once you have enough smoke in your mouth, blow out through pursed lips until you see a flame appear at the end of your pipe.

4. Light your pipe by holding the flame to its end until it glows red hot (about 10 seconds). The glowing embers are what will burn when you inhale through your pipe's stem, producing smoke instead of just ash! More



Classic Sherlock Holmes Calabash pipe